I was planning to use the spring back from my existing non-folding camera for this design but I have decided to keep the old camera intact and build a new spring back from scratch for the new camera.
The old camera used a cast aluminium back which I bought on eBay. The new back will be wooden and have a lower profile. This will have the added benefit of moving the film plane further forward which will require a bit more bellows extension which in turn will aid any movements required.
As I am primarily a landscape photographer, I tend to prefer wider angle views. However, I don't have much of a budget for lenses and currently I only have two: A Zeiss Tessar 135mm from a 9x12cm plate camera and a Rodenstock 127mm from a Polaroid roll film camera.
I intend to give this camera sufficient extension to use these two lenses and also make it capable of taking 90mm and 210mm lenses which I may buy in the future. The maximum bellows extension will probably be around 300mm (12") but I don't expect I will ever use a lens that long.
The old camera used a cast aluminium back which I bought on eBay. The new back will be wooden and have a lower profile. This will have the added benefit of moving the film plane further forward which will require a bit more bellows extension which in turn will aid any movements required.
As I am primarily a landscape photographer, I tend to prefer wider angle views. However, I don't have much of a budget for lenses and currently I only have two: A Zeiss Tessar 135mm from a 9x12cm plate camera and a Rodenstock 127mm from a Polaroid roll film camera.
I intend to give this camera sufficient extension to use these two lenses and also make it capable of taking 90mm and 210mm lenses which I may buy in the future. The maximum bellows extension will probably be around 300mm (12") but I don't expect I will ever use a lens that long.